Wednesday, November 21, 2007

When SiMi passed away, we knew of a young female Akita which had been rescued and was in a foster home, waiting for adoption. So, Pauline and I didn't wait any longer, drove to Belleville and came back home with a new addition to the family. We named her "Kinu" which means "silk" in Japanese, because her coat is smooth and soft like silk. Here is a picture of her.

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Sad Halloween

On Halloween night, we lost our veteran vineyard security dog, SiMi. She was adopted from the Akita Rescue network and thought to be around 11 years old. She loved to run around the vineyard and make sure no raccoon came in. She will be missed.

At the winery, we had stuck fermentation everywhere. The fermentation of all four Pinot Noir fermenters and the Pinot Gris tank had stopped just short of the expected end. So, we had to innoculate and get the fermentation going again. So far, so good.